Appropriate methods shall be established by both Electco (HO) and on site for identifying and recording the identification, and traceability status of materials, products, services throughout all stages of the project as defined in the respective processes for Procurement and Quality Management.
Throughout construction operations, appropriate methods of identification, handling, packaging, storage and protection shall be employed to ensure that all goods, materials, product and site provisions are properly protected from damage, deterioration and loss. This is also important with regards to property belonging to the Client, which may include intellectual property (e.g. designs, drawings) and project site itself.
Electco will determine the extent of monitoring and measurements to be carried out on a project-‐‑to project basis. Suitable measurement and monitoring devices shall then be selected and used to provide evidence of product conformity.
Systems will be established to evaluate the validity of measurements taken should the relevant measurement by the said equipment be out of calibration.
Effective controls shall be established for Company laboratory and survey equipment, determine as requiring periodic calibration, where consistent verification measurements on product conformity are essential.
Similarly, subcontractors monitoring and measurement devices shall be identified, reviewed and confirmation of their calibration status made.
Equipment Calibration:
Measurement, Analysis and Improvement:
This element of project control shall be planned in order to provide a clear organization
wide approach to continual improvement of the project performance of key project activities (i.e. Key performance Indicators) and shall be regarded as permanent Company objective.
Elements of control shall focus on four (4) areas of the Company activities:
1) Product conformity by monitoring and measuring the product (QC)
2) Quality management system conformity by internal and intrinsic audit (QA)
3) Continual improvement of the effectiveness of the quality management system by:
a) Internal audit (QA)
b) Monitoring and measurement of the processes (KPI 's)
4) Evaluation of appointed Suppliers and Subcontractors.